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RCRENEW modified Traxxas 3.3 NItro RC car racing engine. 


The  RCR  modified Traxxas 3.3  nitro rc engine produces great  low end torque with xlnt top end. It has been modified to produce as much power and RPM as possible without effecting reliability or tuning.

Our Modifed 3.3 engines have won many championship titles and will simply give you a crazy amount of power whether bashing or Drag racing. This is the most powerful RC car Traxxas size engine available that will bolt right in. (glow plug not included)


We offer this standard modified engine and for even more power check out our MAX MOD Traxxas 3.3 engine.


We also offer a  seperate service to cut down the cooling head for drag racing see out services page for that if you want to add to your order.

RCR modified Traxxas 3.3 engine

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