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Extra Long 20mm rear wheelbase extension kit
For Lunchbox, Montero and Wild pumpkin
Rear gearbox black plastic lower pivot  bracket.
This bracket kit extends the wheelbase and moves the the rear axle/Gearbox back 13mm to increase stability and improve the overall performance and handling of these trucks.
Also integrated into these is the  fixed rear pivot for the gearbox that keeps the gearbox from pivoting on the front up/down pivots to make the rear suspension work better. ( so no need to do that separate mod with these )
Simple bolt on installation Nothing to drill or cut. We suggest flipping the wheelie bar when using these and removing the black rubber tubes from the rear shock shafts.
This listing is for black plastic gearbox brackets only.
In stock form they are fun trucks... but  handling is lacking so this mod really helps  with handling, and jumping Making them drive Way better! Must have hop up for the Tamiya rc cars.

XL Tamiya rear wheelbase extension Lunchbox Midnight Pumpkin Montero

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